Recently a controversy erupted in the city of Sacramento when a historic pioneer cemetery was discovered. After the land was purchased for commercial development, it was discovered that beneath the soil of the unmarked California Pioneer Cemetery rested the remains of at least eight bodies.
The four-acre lot located in the outskirts of Sacramento is the site of the final resting place for residents of Frederick Township, established in 1856. Members of this early community imported mining supplies and produced grain, meat, fruit and dairy products for neighboring communities.
The California Pioneer Cemetery was established on a ranch and at least eight burials were recorded between 1860 and 1884. Others burials may have taken place before or after these dates.
More recently, a community garden was planted on the site. Then, the lot was sold. Now archaeologists, historians and lawyers are trying to research the history of the site to determine how many people are buried there and who they were. They are also trying to determine whether or not it would be appropriate to move the remains to another cemetery.
Early pioneers often buried friends and family in small cemeteries that they expected would remain known and preserved. But time has taken its toll on such cemeteries. Grave markers, if they ever existed, have been stolen, vandalized, knocked down or have decomposed. Many of the records of pioneer cemeteries have been lost or destroyed.
Historians are using archives, maps and historic documents to construct the story of the California Pioneer Cemetery. They have determined that William F. Stevens was buried in 1860, and Caroline Meyers was buried in 1867 at the age of 25. Elizabeth Davenport was buried in 1875, six days after her birth.
Sacramento community members have a variety of opinions about whether or not the land should be developed. A Town Hall meeting will be held next Wednesday night at a nearby school to provide a forum for community members who wish to voice and discuss their feelings about the fate of the California Pioneer Cemetery.
Activity One: The Issue
For the next few days you will assume the role of a Sacramento community member. The role you play may not be related to the role you usually play in your community. Keeping your role in mind, consider the following:
The Issue: When can we develop on the site of a cemetery? If the cemetery has no grave markers or records, is it still a cemetery? If there are no family members of the deceased to remember the site, is it still a cemetery? Is it acceptable to dig up the remains and relocate them?
The Proposal: To allow development at the site of the California Pioneer Cemetery.
- How would you describe your role in the community?
- How might this proposal affect you personally?
- What is your position on the proposal? Are you in favor of the proposal, or do you oppose the proposal?
- List three reasons for your position or three points that support your position
- List three reasons that might support the opposing position
- Tell how you would respond to the opposing points listed above if you were to debate the issue.
Activity Two: Persuasive Business Letter
Now that you have evaluated the proposal from both perspectives, remain in your role as you write a persuasive business letter to the mayor explaining your position.
Activity Three: Town Hall Meeting
A special Town Hall meeting has been called to discuss the proposal concerning the California Pioneer Cemetery.
Activity Four: Reflection
Please answer the following questions about the activity you have just completed. Provide reasons and examples to support your answers.
- Which interest group did you work with during the Town Hall Meeting?
- How did you vote on the proposal? Explain the reasons for your vote.
- Now that you have completed your role, how do you personally feel about the proposal? Are you in favor of the proposal? Why or why not?
- What other organizations or individuals might have an opinion on this issue?
- What have you learned about different perspectives by completing this activity?
- What have you learned about the community decision-making process?
Current Owner
As a current owner you purchased the land for commercial development. Before purchasing the land you paid for a title search, which should have given you information about the history of the property. The title search revealed no evidence that the property used to be a cemetery. Now, all construction plans have been put on hold due to the controversy over the California Pioneer Cemetery. At this point, you are also concerned that you would have difficulty selling the property.
Owner's Attorney
You are the legal representation for the present owners of the property. You were initially seeking a court order to allow the disinterment and removal of the human remains. Now you are planning to sue the title company for not revealing the presence of a cemetery on the property.
You are an immigrant who lives on the property adjacent to the California Pioneer Cemetery. Until recently you had been growing vegetables on the vacant land. Although you had been gardening at this location for years, you were recently informed of the presence of the cemetery and you have stopped gardening.
Descendant of a Pioneer
You are a Sacramento resident. Your great-grandmother was Caroline Meyers, one of the pioneers who is buried in the California Pioneer Cemetery. You recently became aware of your great-grandmother's burial location.
As an archaeologist you provide insight into the burial practices and cultural traditions of the early settlers. You are able to provide useful information about how to research the history of a cemetery. You view this cemetery as a depository of information about the people and culture of the early 1800s.
You are a historian who strives to preserve monuments, landscaping, artifacts and physical remains of historic places. You have used maps, newspapers and textbooks to attempt to piece together the history of this particular cemetery. You are presently lobbying for state legislation to protect historic cemeteries.
Highway Construction Manager
The highway construction company you work for was involved in a similar situation in 1997, when one of your backhoes uncovered the graves of 15 unknown pioneers during the construction of a Highway 50 interchange.
Judge, Sacramento County Superior Court
As a Superior Court Judge, you often have the responsibility of ruling on cases similar to this one. You are interested in gathering the facts presented by all the parties involved, just in case you are asked to rule on this particular situation. The court files include a copy of a 1957 document that says the property was once a cemetery.
Retired Attorney
As a retired attorney, you have been involved with several cemetery cases in the past. You have prepared a brief on past rulings to make the court aware of judicial decisions related to cemetery cases. You are concerned with the legal aspects of questions such as, "When can development occur on a cemetery?" and "If the cemetery does not have headstones or records, is it still a cemetery?"
You represent health care professionals who are concerned that dangerous poisons will be released into the environment if the bodies are disinterred. In the 1800s, arsenic was used for embalming and it has not been determined if this could pose a threat in this situation.
President, School Student Council
You are the President of the Student Council at your school. Your school Student Council is actively involved in many community activities. Most recently, the student council members became involved in efforts to preserve a local Grange building because of its historical significance to the community.
Lesson developed by Heidi Dettwiller, San Juan Unified School District, and researched by Andrea Key, Sacramento County Office of Education. Photograph provided by Dr. Bob LaPerriere, Old City Cemetery Committee and California Historical Cemetery Alliance.